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Wiki Fantasy Roleplay

The Wiki Fiction Roleplay Fantasy
RPGs, Wikis, Stories and Games


This page is continuously renovated and updated by [xido], and
all volunteering Official Guild Moderators


The first and official RPG Guild of Elftown.

See Also: The Wiki Sci-fi Roleplay
Part of the Wiki Fiction Roleplay Creative Writing and RPG Guild


Welcome to the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay. This fantasy nook has been set up as an escape for all you other avid roleplayers out there who are also avid wikiers. If you're a rook to the WFR - Wiki Fiction Roleplay - you'll want to know a bit about what exactly it is we do here, no?

The Wiki Fantasy Roleplay's main aim is to give all advanced roleplayers in Elftown a chance to roleplay fantasy with others like them.

This is an ongoing roleplay, meaning that good Roleplayers will naturally post setting-storylines throughout. Please remember that you will be playing the same character in the same environement, maintaining relationships with other characters over an extended period of time. If you are in two places at once, it should be made apparent what time it is , in contrast with other wiki posts, and how you got from each place to the other. I feel this is the best way to roleplay. Hopefully we will be able to get some sort of a mass-wiki plot developing, but for now we're just going to roleplay in a more or less basic fantasy/medieval roleplay environment.

The WFR was originally created to house only original fantasy roleplaying.

Now, with the help of [Nightshadow], the WSFR, our sci-fi sister site, is now ready to work toward the future goals of storytellers here on Elftown!


Character Page

Interested in joining? This page includes everything you need to know about applying, including links to the app page, the formidable list of accepted players, and tips on character creation.
See also: WFR Application Page, The League of Accepted Characters and the new WFR Guild Members Page, Rank Page/WFR CHAR Rank Page, Species Page/ WFR CHAR Race Page, Creature_List

Text Adventures, WFR Games and WFR Quests

Yup. This is where all the magic happens. From the Realms of Lemire to Jashnia, Dysphasia, and other Guild-supported games, these pages links some of the finest and most diverse play in Elftown. If you're interested in making your well-developed roleplaying game part of the Guild, this is where to start planting the seeds for good wiki stories and games!

Role Playing for Dummies, Androntel Academy, and the RPG Library

These pages contain links to useful how-to pages, featuring tips for beginning to advanced roleplayers, among other useful tidbits of information. (Pirate terminology? Don't understand D&D alignments? Step right up!)
Also see the full list of

WFR Guild Pages, Mods, & GMs


Until recently, a mostly-forgotten page about... what else? Chatting with other WFR guild members!
Rather than having elaborate conversations in pure squidgie talk (^_^ , o.O , X.x, >.> , :P , wut r u doin today?(or IRC) , etc.) you can keep crazy conversations to this page, unless you prefer to use the comments section for blabber.... which I don't.
WFR and WSFR members are welcome to chat their days away on this page, either in comments, or in crazy in-person roleplay. Anyone with an interest in roleplaying, guild membership, or fun wikis can come and converse on this page without fear of feeling unwelcome or inadequate. Ask questions, find new wiki stories, or just babble like a crazy monkey on this page.

PLEASE CHECK OUT AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE CREATURE_LIST!!! The WFR Char RACE Page and WFR Char RANK Page are now in progress. All Race pages will be formatted similar to the Human Races page, and D&D-termed Classes will be integrated into Ranks and Titles.

See the WFR Renovations and Updates

(Page and auxilliary pages are consistently under construction and renovation until further notice. Check page version 120 to search for missing info. -[Nightshadow])


Username (or number or email):


2003-08-05 [galeachaingeal]: *slips in and looks about with a smile, and with a sigh of relief pads on over to the character page to think of a suitable character*

2003-08-12 [JadedVampiress]: So does any one actually rp here?

2003-08-12 [JadedVampiress]: *confused*

2003-08-16 [xido]: All roleplaying is done by posting onto one of the designated Wiki pages. You can post whateveryou wish, by merely editing the page (there's a button on every wiki page), and writing what you wish. Paragraph style writing is preferred, and please, no e-speak (ie, lol, lmao, brb,*talking outside of "quotes", etc.)

2003-08-16 [xido]: Remember, there is only the ongoing stories made by the characters by the things they post. Game Moderators are now being designated, to assist in the creation of in-game storyline movements. If you have any questions, comments, ideas, etc, please message them to [xido] or Maedilynn (she's been busy for quite some time, now)

2003-08-21 [Augury]: does anyone wanna play with me in the ayvewae plains? if na, where should i go?

2003-08-21 [Augury]: I'm gonna start.

2003-08-28 [Jewl]: i want to join!

2003-08-31 [Leara]: Anyone ever notice that Anne Rice's name is never mentioned in the end credits of Interview with the Vampire...I didn't see it once when I watched it last night...

2003-09-02 [Aya723]: YAY!

2003-09-06 [Augury]: underdark? i'm calling forgotten realms on you! nyeh!

2003-09-06 [Tal Anduril]: Well I guess that means no drow, Aes Sedai, Asha'man or anything else that is from or even remotely resembles a character, place or idea from fiction (books, movies, etc.) can ever be used here....come on this is susposed to be fun, last time I checked this was for entertainment only; it's not like we're trying to sell it or something.

2003-09-07 [Augury]: i'm just kidding! forgotten realms rox anyway! yeah!

2003-09-07 [Tal Anduril]: ok

2003-09-10 [Morgan le Fay]: Hello all!  Just got accepted recently and decided to say hey to everyone!

2003-09-10 [Tal Anduril]: Greetings

2003-09-11 [Kim_Lundin]: Hello!

2003-09-13 [Erestor]: hallo evry1 xidoraven please tell me have i bin accepted the guy named kalrohir

2003-09-15 [Tal Anduril]:

Hey People! Help Save the Tree, Please.

Go to save my oak and add your name to the list.

2003-09-17 [Reynom]: I'm confused with this whole 'make your own wiki page to post' thing... could someone help?

2003-09-20 [Saber]: Me too can someone explain what the"post name, rank thingie"is all about, plz

2003-09-20 [chelekat]: Okay, now you're both confusing me...I think the answer to Reynom's question is if you want to start rpging in a certain area you have to create your own wiki page, post a link to that page on the page you're in (example: if you wanna rpg in Underdark you'd post your new wiki page link there so other ppl'll know about it)and rpg there or you can go to another person's rpg page and join there...sorry, I think I just confused myself...

2003-09-20 [chelekat]: eh, I don't quite understand Saber's question though...

2003-09-20 [Tal Anduril]: I think I can answer Saber's question; more like show how other people have done it. Anyways, if you go to a wiki page like Tariwynn Woods, people have posted a name of the wiki, like Returning to the Forest, then under that they list who posted it, which would be "posted by [black lotus]" whose rank in the rp is Ranger. Does that make sense? Well, if not go to Tariwynn Woods, seeing at a whole might make more sense.

2003-09-21 [Saber]: I think, so its like a main page and all the seperate links on it are different stories i rite?

2003-09-21 [Tal Anduril]: yes, I think so.

2003-09-21 [Saber]: ok so can u make ure own place up...or do u have to ask permission?

2003-09-21 [Tal Anduril]: yes, you can make your own place; i don't think we need permission, since they kinda already said to just post things.

2003-09-21 [Saber]: oh cool I'll make summat when i have time (which isnt now unfortunatly)

2003-09-21 [Tal Anduril]: sad but true i also should be going.

2003-09-23 [Angel Dreamer]: um...xidoraven, we just throw up the link to not another tavern up there?

2003-09-24 [Saber]: so basically u can put ure own wiki up there???? (sorry i just dont wanna do somethin I'm not allowed)

2003-09-24 [Therian]: Either yes or I'm good at breaking rules. Relax! ^^

2003-09-24 [Saber]: ok thnx im not good with relaxin tho

2003-09-25 [Blood Raven]: How can you get into the RP Guild? I !can't find it anywhere

2003-09-25 [Saber]: make a character on the character page, links up at the top I think

2003-09-29 [Lexicon]: Character Page is the link ya need to apply with :)

2003-10-01 [Augury]: hey, i'm ending my wiki and moving to saber's wiki. sorry bradahir

2003-10-01 [Lexicon]: High Priestess and Priests needed at wiki page Prince's Reign please come in ans see why and what you are needed for :)

2003-10-01 [Leara]: My characters a high preistess O.O

2003-10-02 [xido]: Hopefully the new setup will make things a little easier. If you'd like to make a new wiki session, please feel free to do, and message me with details, so that I can try to place it in.....It is possible to have a planet big enough to sustain hundreds-of-coninents-worth of land, so just say where you are, and we'll fit you in somewhere. Right now, [Lexicon] and [Resiska] are also adding postings of other continents, to make up for the loss of ELVES in Eastonia alone. Fae characters will enjoy Resiska's setting. Both CHARs and RPGs will be accepted to the RPG Guild....RPGs upon request, to ME - If you'd like to post a new wiki in TearRem or Vraisynn, until they get their stuff done,

2003-10-02 [xido]: just send the idea my way, for now.                                                                                           Thanks, y'all, for answering each other's questions.

2003-10-21 [Linn Scarlett]: hmz i heared something about that my pages were nominated by some one? (yes the Blackpearl-stuff indeed, i and [Torn blue jeans] 'own' the rpg if you want to call it that, along with Isla Tortuga and the ScarlettTavern

2003-10-24 [iippo]: yeah, isla tortuga should be the important piece, since... it is the important piece of the game... it's the headquarters...

2003-10-24 [Linn Scarlett]: yeah and all pirates around wiki are welcome :p

2003-10-24 [Leara]: is it right to use the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow....etc from a movie on a rp of ORIGINAL sounds more like that would fit a fan site........

2003-10-25 [iippo]: is here a clear sitemap or any map around here? or a faq? here shouldbe a faq, this is so big...

2003-10-25 [Andrei]: Umm... now I realise I should delete that inn o' mine... say bye bye! to the ruffians'!

2003-10-25 [Linn Scarlett]: nope, because its coinsidence *snickers* the pearl already existed before i ever saw pirates (i did got it from the atraction in Disneyland or something) sides, the whole jack sparrow thing is a long and rather boring story (which is also my chars history you know) but iam still working on it *blinks* sides, the guy i grew up with was already named jack, and others edited sparrow and well thats the story in short O.o what does it matter *smiles*

2003-10-26 [xido]: It DOES matter, if it breaks copyright laws... It's a very big deal here on Elftown, too. As for WFR standards, we promote fantasy, and original character work. Although I've never seen or read Pirates of the Caribbean, I know that those names, terms, and characters are not usable in the WFR, and I apologize for not realizing them earlier. Any submission to WFR must be original, and fantasy-oriented. Thanks for your cooperation. If Leara asks you to do something, please remember that her word is as good as mine, or an Elftown Guard for that matter.

2003-10-26 [Linn Scarlett]: ... it was...

2003-10-26 [iippo]: hmm... could here be a FAQ?? i'm more than happy to help do that (like, perhaps make the questions) coz it always relieving to read a FAQ...

2003-10-26 [Resiska]: I have a splinter in mi finger!!!

2003-10-26 [iippo]: can i make a rpg to Vraisynn kingdom??? pleese! ^_^

2003-10-27 [xido]: First, I want a description added, and a potential name change, then we can worry about a FAQ (yes, iippo, you can do it). I'm sorry, Linn S, but you cannot use a name of another artist's work for your's illegal, even outside of the US. I can't willingly allow a wiki based off of a movie, Disney attraction, or otherwise to be a part of an official wiki of artists, RPG, and/or original GM world settings. The movie may be great, but it's names are used. They can't be used here. Your wikis are very good, but they will need to be moved to another named wiki. I have suggestions, if you can think of none, as well as a course of action to make this happen. For now, I'll leave it up

2003-10-27 [xido]: , but it will need to be changed AS SOON AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE. Thanks!  As for iippo's question to the kingdom of Vraisynn, ask [Lexicon]...he's in charge of that area.

2003-10-27 [iippo]: okies... thanks hun...

2003-11-03 [ShiftySkillet]: aww poor Resiska!...*gives her a nice healing spell (bandaid)*

2003-11-10 [3L]: hey, does this take place in the past, present, or future? or does it depend? er...o.O

2003-11-10 [Archangel Tyrael]: As far as I've seen we're all off in our own little world(s).

2003-11-10 [3L]: o_O okey doke.....@.@

2003-11-11 [xido]: think pure fantasy........ midaeval Europe is cliché, so I like to say that the fantasy world we RP in is the far distant future of our modern world heavily evolved over time...magic incorporated, bloodlines of Fea and Dragons and demons and angels, etc...but that's just for fun...I wouldn't worry about time, really if I were you, unless you wanted to write a story (good idea).

2003-11-11 [3L]: ok, i was wondering in case i should worry about clothes and stuff like that...

2003-11-12 [Lexicon]: Now see I am always in my own little world so I guess I am one step ahead? LOL

2003-11-12 [iippo]: lol

2003-11-24 [xido]: Woohoo!! Wikis everywhere are getting better, and with more storylines EVERYWHERE!!!! Soon to Come : WIKI SCIFI ROLEPLAY.....message me if you have an interest in helping out with creation and integration, including exploring the other RPs in Elftown, and nominating new members for the WFR. A good set of standards will soon be available as well.....a good ol' list of values that Elftown RPGers have found helpful, such as powerplaying, comment-wiki, images, help, and creating wikis, etc.

2003-11-24 [xido]: All questions, comments, inquiries, nominations, etc, etc, etc. are welcome. Thanks for playing, and great job to everyone helping out.....APPLAUSE!!!!! (even to you, Leara.....:P)

2003-11-24 [iippo]: *applaudes like a madman*

2003-11-24 [Archangel Tyrael]: *stares at the madmen*

2003-11-24 [Tal Anduril]: *Hits Tyrael* it's not nice to stare.

2003-11-24 [Archangel Tyrael]: It's not nice to hit people either.

2003-11-24 [Tal Anduril]: *hits him again*

2003-11-24 [Silversong]: *hits Tal on the head*

2003-11-24 [Archangel Tyrael]: *hugs [Silversong]*

2003-11-24 [Tal Anduril]: *glares*

2003-11-24 [Silversong]: lol I'm still not completely on your side Tyrael.

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: Kick him then.

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: kick him yourself Tal....i only hit you cuz you hit Tyrael just cuz he told you it wasn't nice to hit.

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: If Tyrael ever does something like that when i'm able to edit he'll get the same treatment.

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: Oh ok. *hits Tyrael again.*

2003-11-25 [xido]: *SKYLAB* falls on all of you

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: *jumps out of the way, as skylab falls; tackles [xido]*

2003-11-25 [xido]: *likes being tackled*.....don't DO THAT....I'm trying to be good.................x.o

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: *Tickles him*

2003-11-25 [Amerity]: *Amerity watches* @_@ this is a weird situation to walk in on...

2003-11-25 [Archangel Tyrael]: yeah, it is......... I think I'll just sit in the corner and be ignored, it's better than being beaten up by Tal.

2003-11-25 [Amerity]: I'll talk to you...cause this is knida freaky. *sits in corner* Hi my name is Amerity(duh!) ^_^

2003-11-25 [Archangel Tyrael]: Hi, I'm Tyrael...... well at least that's what I go by here.

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: At school he goes by "dum ass."

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: should i bother??

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: If you insist.

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: no not the very least not yet........I'm still half asleep.

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: *pokes her* waking up yet?

2003-11-26 [Amerity]: dumb ass huh? well that's all good...cause I'm a smart ass...jk...i thought it was funny obviliuosly it was corny....oh my name is Amerity...I also go by Am, maggie, wolf, or lilly.. damn. just call me amerity

2003-11-26 [Archangel Tyrael]: Ok.

2003-11-27 [Amerity]: cool....ignore my names up there....they scare are you doing?

2003-11-27 [Archangel Tyrael]: Well I was fine until about 10 minutes ago, then I found out that I was chosen to stand in for someone at a tournament....... this will be my first one, I've very very uncertain about everything. The guy I'm replacing is God-like, I know I'm going to screw up. On top of that I have a shit load of homework to get done, so it's not like I have tons of free time to practice. Though I should be greatful that I have any notice. I didn't even know I would be entering in his stead until he told me, he had posted it in the forum...... but I have a rather bad habit of not reading the titles. (I wouldn't even have know if he hadn't have told me.) My stomach is in knots right now.

2003-11-27 [xido]: snuggly, like hairballs..............or rope.....hemp rope

2003-11-27 [Archangel Tyrael]: ...........?

2003-11-28 [xido]: ...................................................................................x.o......o.x................*squidgy*?!?!?!

2003-11-28 [Tal Anduril]: I don't get it. I really don't

2003-11-28 [Amerity]: will all be okay...just do your best...nothing can go wrong if you know in your heart you try...*thinks* Damn! I sound like a scence in a friggne movie.

2003-11-28 [xido]: don't try to get'll be wasting your time

2003-11-28 [Lexicon]: what kind of tournament? and I agree with xido time is far to valuable to waist, that is why I am on the computer alot playing doesnt sound right :P LOL

2003-11-28 [iippo]: :P

2003-11-28 [Archangel Tyrael]: It's a pally tournament.

2003-11-29 [Amerity]: is that?

2003-11-29 [Archangel Tyrael]: We charge each other with spears ( In a computer game).

2003-11-29 [xido]: yikes!

2003-11-29 [Amerity]: AWESOME!!!!!! me wants to do it...

2003-11-29 [Lexicon]: ahh heor ala shishkabob sounds good LOL

2003-11-29 [Archangel Tyrael]: To compete in this one you have to have won an eariler one in the year, the only reason that I'm in it is that I was asked to stand in for another.

2003-11-30 [Amerity]: oh...well good luck *really*

2003-11-30 [Tal Anduril]: he's going to die a very unpretty death...... yeah good luck too. (You need it)

2003-11-30 [Amerity]: Tal_anduril that was mean.....but probably true

2003-11-30 [Tal Anduril]: *grins* Tyrael knows what I mean. And would you really expect anything different from me?

2003-11-30 [Amerity]: um....nope...probalby not.

2003-11-30 [Tal Anduril]: *grins*

2003-11-30 [Lexicon]: *stnds in front of his fire* does this mean I am being negative gettin the roast ready for his carcass? sorry no hero shishkabobs now :(

2003-11-30 [Archangel Tyrael]: I don't think that I'd be the hero........ more like hero fodder.

2003-11-30 [Lexicon]: *pulls out a thick long stick..* see Amerity I have a good idea LOL  seriously good luck :)

2003-11-30 [Archangel Tyrael]: Thanks.

2003-11-30 [xido]: I'M THE HERO!!!!!! duh duh-duh duhduhduh duhduhduh DUH DUHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!1

2003-11-30 [Lexicon]: uh oh if hes the hero we are doomed

2003-11-30 [xido]: *DOOMED*....heeheehee....that was the point muahaahahahaaa

2003-11-30 [Tal Anduril]: I 2nd that Lex.

2003-11-30 [Lexicon]: is it me or did I hear the lands sigh in defeat when he said that ? LOL

2003-11-30 [Amerity]: it not just you my freind.

2003-12-01 [Silversong]: lol  why would we be doomed Xido???

2003-12-02 [xido]: because in this realm, my insanity RULES!!!!! MUAHAHAAAAHAHAAHAHAAAAHAAHAAAAHAAa

2003-12-02 [xido]: and no, that was not a sigh you was a fart....heavy gas reserves beneath this soil.....x.o

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol i still don't get is insanity a bad thing????

2003-12-02 [xido]: it's not.....and neither is being DOOOOOOOOMMMMEEEDD!!!!!!!

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol ok!! ^U^

2003-12-05 [Lexicon]: wait I thought there had to be sanity to have insanity? I thought all who dwelled here was insane anyways hehe

2003-12-06 [Amerity]: insane asylum....

2003-12-06 [666Shawn's Gurl666]: Do you like Pie and Doughnuts?! I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-12-06 [666Shawn's Gurl666]: No This isnt good! I'm getting eaten!!!!!!!!!! T_T Save me

2003-12-07 [Lexicon]: pie hot american pie? hehe <eg>

2003-12-08 [Amerity]: LEX!....well if only i particllay knew what you ment....

2003-12-10 [Lexicon]: LOL well I love american pie lol <eg>

2003-12-10 [Amerity]: yes...i can see why....never seen it but heard about it

2003-12-11 [Lexicon]: LOL well I just um.......not guilty?

2003-12-11 [Silversong]: lol okay.

2003-12-12 [Amerity]: GIULTY!! jk lol

2003-12-12 [Lexicon]: ok ok Im guilty but american pie is soooooo irrisistable (sp?)

2003-12-13 [Amerity]: shameful!!! *slaps him in the face* than hugz him* OH IM SOOOO SORRY! But that was worth it!

2003-12-14 [Lexicon]: LOL so was my thought <eg>

2003-12-16 [Amerity]: lol......^____^

2003-12-17 [xido]: We need to make a decision here and now. Should or should not gunpowder, muskets, canons, etc be usable in our WFR games, especially in reference to pirate settings, etc ??? We need to know if pre-modern technology should be usable in the fantasy settings. What are your opinions, comments, etc?

2003-12-17 [iippo]: yes. pirates are using them anyways.

2003-12-17 [Saber]: you could always make a poll to find out which is popular, tho i'd say 'sure why not' but nuthin too advanced

2003-12-17 [Phyn]: the problem will become this... eventually there will be the musket loaders, and people will get tired of having to reload, so they'll say they have a "MAGIC" one which doesn't need to reload. Then everyone will have a magic one witch does something or another. Some guy will say "I'm strong enough, I'll carry a cannon around." So I've decided to forget the gunpowder and other such things from the world.

2003-12-17 [Phyn]: I'm not saying that EVERYONE will do that, just enough of the kids and people who can't really RP they just want to play gods and piss people off... they're the ones who'd ruin the use of muskets and gunpowder

2003-12-17 [xido]: I originally thought the concept of gun powder-using machines was WAY too non-fantasy to use on these wikis, but the whole pirate scene has made me rethink things, and I'm wondering if the general consensus will want them to be in place, or kept well away from our RPGs......  Personally, I wouldn't mind them in moderation......but then there's "those" players........x.x.

2003-12-17 [Angel Dreamer]: so why not a rule saying there can't be any magic cannons?

2003-12-17 [xido]: It seems a RULES PAGE may need to be made, after we collect all the odd rules people have posted in the wikis.....that may help.

2003-12-17 [Tal Anduril]: lol, that is going to be a very very long rules page. (good luck, you're going to need it.)

2003-12-18 [Lexicon]: might aswell not even allow them I think. I dont think the muskets and all are good for fantasy settings anyways

2003-12-18 [Phyn]: personally, I think that if done correctly, they can be incorporated into a fantasy setting. Remember that the Chinese made gumpower in the 800's.  And there was gunpower and cannons used in 13-1500's in Europe with ships at sea and various border patrol. So, if properly introduced, yes it could be done, however, It's not the fact of their existance that bothers me, like I posted before, it's the OVER-use and getting carried away by the not so educated RPers

2003-12-18 [Lexicon]: that is a major reason why not to attempt it,

2003-12-18 [Tal Anduril]: humm, maybe have them take a gunpowder safety course? *grins* j/k

2003-12-18 [Phyn]: and how many people will take it? And how many others will just go "OH gunpowder!" A whole bunch of them will just go "I have it cuz I stole it..."

2003-12-18 [Archangel Tyrael]: *points at the j/k = joking* .....or at least I think he's kidding. Chances are it is going to be just a few dum jerks that ruin it for everyone.

2003-12-18 [xido]: as is typical

2003-12-18 [xido]: Well, I'm not making a poll over it......because this page is perfect for just such debate....and it seems pretty balanced so far......anyone else?

2003-12-20 [Hoita monk]: from my experience, most experienced and serious RPers like the pre-firearm setting, all bows and arrows and swords and shields. they are the only RPG I have come across, so far. I have not found an RP with gunpowder in it, yet.

2003-12-20 [Hoita monk]: and to think I used to BE one of *those* RPers... during the first 10 years of my life...

2003-12-20 [Lexicon]: well even though I am not for instating cannons and all I just neeed to know soon which way we are goin with it. hehe I have a load of war galleons on the move towards...dum dum dum.......Eastonia ..... MUHAHAHAHAHHAHa

2003-12-20 [Tal Anduril]: so does that mean the invasion is stalled until this is decided? *looks hopeful*

2003-12-20 [xido]: *IS hopeful*....j/ should be fun..........well, it seems to me that it will be more hassle than it's gunpowder, guns, canons (although catapults are cool), etc.......arrows and thrown items will remain to be the only ranged attacking weapons available for use on the WFR.

2003-12-20 [xido]: Plus, magic is just as useful in those scenarios.....a huge barrage of mage-made fireballs from a war galleon is just as effective as any canon......;)

2003-12-20 [Tal Anduril]: so true. (reminds self to aim for the mages)

2003-12-20 [xido]: *aims for the half-demon* I'll get you, I will......:P

2003-12-20 [Tal Anduril]: go right ahead, [Therian] will thank you, and lately I think [Nightshadow] would too.

2003-12-20 [xido]: lol

2003-12-21 [Tal Anduril]: (I just ripped out the throat of her favorite nephew)

2003-12-21 [xido]: :O DANG!!!!!! that's hardcore.....x.o

2003-12-21 [Tal Anduril]: He's alive....... she's just mad.

2003-12-21 [xido]: TOO MUCH ANGST IN ELFTOWN!!!!! Everyone take a deep breath, step outside for some fresh air, have a smoke or's gonna be ok at the end of the day. Just think how lucky we are to not be in the Vietnam war again....ever seen When We Were Soldiers? They got it bad.... You? You're gonna be ok, well, and alive at the end of tonight......Relax. Don't worry; Be happy.

2003-12-21 [Leara]: At least they got to die.

2003-12-21 [xido]: Now that's positive!!! C'mon, now, death and suffering.....

2003-12-21 [Leara]: is very good....

2003-12-21 [Tal Anduril]: I'll second that.

2003-12-21 [Amerity]: death and suffering...such an awe insprering thing isn't it??

2003-12-22 [xido]: not quite.......

2003-12-22 [Tal Anduril]: Today, it seems that only when that death and suffering occur in large quantities is it even note worthy, otherwise it is just set aside.

2003-12-22 [Leara]: Good. Then no one will notice if I drop dead.

2003-12-22 [Tal Anduril]: some would notice, a few would care.

2003-12-22 [Amerity]: I WOULD CARE!! um...i think....

2003-12-22 [Leara]: highly doubt it

2003-12-22 [Amerity]: lol

2003-12-23 [xido]: how positive....I'm glad I employed such a joyful person to man that task....or woman, to stand corrected.....either way, such beautiful self-worth being thrown about this place.....TOO MUCH ANGST IN ELFTOWN!!!!!!!

2003-12-24 [Amerity]: lol...lmao

2003-12-24 [xido]: [Lexicon] is In Search Of a person of the clergy to incept him as king of Vraisynn. Without it, we are all doomed to an eternity of silence; those of us in the Prince's Reign.

2003-12-24 [xido]: Party at Aces in honour of the passing of the Kieen army and those who helped protect the village as they passed!!!

2003-12-24 [Leara]: let him be doomed. he deserves it. >:P

2003-12-24 [Lexicon]: thank you Leara it is good to know that one is not allowed to be huamn and make a minor mistake and all :) have a merry christmas

2003-12-24 [Leara]: minor my ass. why don't you run along and play the president while your at it.

2003-12-25 [Amerity]: please stop fighting...we are all people of the light is christmas

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